

Me and my friends were talking the other day and realized that we have been zoned so many times. After hearing countless accounts of guys bemoaning their fate and crying about how they get zoned frequently , it made me (falsely) feel safe, saying hey this hasn't happened to me ! But if you think about it I have been zoned as much as the other person has.(I know. Shocking, but true).

So without further ado, here are some of the zones a girl might find herself in :

Amma zone : that time when a guy decides calling you a friend or a sister also has grevious pitfalls and thus proceeds to zone you to a different generation altogether where the only hurt that can happen is to you

Di zone : also the sister zone. Self explanatory!

Bhabhi zone : here the do-gooder guy keeps in mind all his brethren and realises that while he might not be interested his friends definitely might

I don't give a fuck zone a.k.a Bhaad me jao zone: I am so flllyyyy

No zone : when the guy denies he has sister, brother, mom, friend , human zoned you

Hit zone: when the guy self proclaims that you are in the zone where you might be hit (on)

For example zone: when the guy takes great pains and goes to great lengths to explain how he wants a girl just like you, and lists out all your qualities like a rule book. And you are the example.

Let me think about it zone: when you are eagerly awaiting the results like a puppy wagging its tail in anticipation and all you get after a two paragraph essay on WhatsApp is : ''k''

Do you want to experience my chappal zone: when the guy is totally terrified of you. Terrified enough to consider lobbing his only pair of sandals at your head.

Creep zone : the minute you start questioning him about his sister's Insta feed

Stalker zone: Hehe, you know you have done it. And you got caught while doing it!! Now the guy will constantly watch his back, and his paranoia will increase. But you wouldn't be stalking him anymore. Or would you? ;)

You're too shy zone : this great lord wants someone outgoing.

Hope it wasn't a mistake zone: the guy has agreed to speak to you and probably go out on a few dates with you all the while rethinking all his life decisions to this point. Stay clear !

Offended zone: a crap we don't give

You're too good for me zone : and this just sucks because it would mean the person doesn't trust your own judgement. "Hey let me be your mom and explain exactly why you are so awesome and how much I like you but nooo you can do better !! Just try! I will be disappointed if I don't see a 100% on your scorecard!"

Humse na ho payega zone: when you are high maintenance or the guy believes you are, and then family issues mumble wumble

Tumse na ho payega: when the guy is high maintenance and boy can he work it !! Drama queens ain't got nothing on him !

Until Next Time


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