2020 - Highlight Reel

I relapsed. I relapsed so bad. This year was a nightmare. I never got to go out and over-compensated by buying things I mostly didn't need. (I conveniently ignored things I did need).

Here's the highlight of the things that occurred this year:
  1. CORONAVIRUS - Phase 1, Phase 2..... going through all the way to Phase infinity
  2. I deleted my GoodReads account instead of changing my email address like a normal person
  3. Blinky died. RIP
  4. Did not write as many blog posts as I wanted. Topics I missed - Brooklyn-99, Indian Cinema, Brooklyn-99, the disparity in the treatment of genders in Indian Cinema, Brooklyn-99, Boys Over Flowers , Brooklyn-99
  5. I began watching Brooklyn-99. I also watched the Office. Both are highly recommended
  6. Friendly neighborhood cat mama with her kittens. You will be missed
  7. Millions of people getting married. It's as though every second acquaintance has gotten hitched. Congratulations!!
  8. My slow descent into utter hate for household chores. (Tbh I didn't like them much to begin with)
  9. Terry Pratchett wrote a whole plethora of books based on a World and I would like to thank the Universe for this sizeable treasure. I think my reading list for the next year is SET.
  10. Prices of almost EVERYTHING has been hiked. 
  11. I have discovered the use of Nappa Cabbage. Kimchi is AWESOME
  12. I am incapable of buying an E-Reader

In other words, I can confidently say, that while time seemed to fly, my personal time has remained a nightmare of unproductivity and massive guilt. I probably broke my personal record for how uselessly I spent my time this year. Oh, well.

And thus we finally say a GoodBye to 2020, the year that ALMOST became the proverbial 2012 (the supposed Mayan prediction for the end of the World.)

Until next time, 


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