2020 - Highlight Reel
I relapsed. I relapsed so bad. This year was a nightmare. I never got to go out and over-compensated by buying things I mostly didn't need. (I conveniently ignored things I did need).
Here's the highlight of the things that occurred this year:
- CORONAVIRUS - Phase 1, Phase 2..... going through all the way to Phase infinity
- I deleted my GoodReads account instead of changing my email address like a normal person
- Blinky died. RIP
- Did not write as many blog posts as I wanted. Topics I missed - Brooklyn-99, Indian Cinema, Brooklyn-99, the disparity in the treatment of genders in Indian Cinema, Brooklyn-99, Boys Over Flowers , Brooklyn-99
- I began watching Brooklyn-99. I also watched the Office. Both are highly recommended
- Friendly neighborhood cat mama with her kittens. You will be missed
- Millions of people getting married. It's as though every second acquaintance has gotten hitched. Congratulations!!
- My slow descent into utter hate for household chores. (Tbh I didn't like them much to begin with)
- Terry Pratchett wrote a whole plethora of books based on a World and I would like to thank the Universe for this sizeable treasure. I think my reading list for the next year is SET.
- Prices of almost EVERYTHING has been hiked.
- I have discovered the use of Nappa Cabbage. Kimchi is AWESOME
- I am incapable of buying an E-Reader
In other words, I can confidently say, that while time seemed to fly, my personal time has remained a nightmare of unproductivity and massive guilt. I probably broke my personal record for how uselessly I spent my time this year. Oh, well.
And thus we finally say a GoodBye to 2020, the year that ALMOST became the proverbial 2012 (the supposed Mayan prediction for the end of the World.)
Until next time,