Types of Cows : Part 2

The post some of you have been waiting for!!

Let's get right to it. In the last post (decades ago it feels like!) I wrote about the types of cows (ahem, brides) you get to see.
And on popular demand - I am back with another one!

And as usual here's the word of advice:
DISCLAIMER: If you are one of those people who get's offended by anything remotely attacking your beliefs and values, don't read this. This post has been written with no harmful intent and for entertainment purposes only. Any harm/offense caused is unintentional and should be treated as such.

And true to the previous format - here's another scenario:

She has grown up, being the good girl. Good girl implies she is an adult who doesn't make her own decisions, because decisions imply she is capable of independent thought that might not agree with the intestines of the society. (In case you were wondering - the people are the intestines of the society. They absorb everything worth absorbing and can only produce sh- ). She tries not being judgemental (this is not what good girls do. I mean, what it would imply is the invisible member of the family actually has an opinion?!) but goddammit, judge she will. People not following the unwritten rules of the society? Judged! Women trying to question their roles and learning about feminism? Judged! Women working and leaving children with nannies? Judged! Men not conforming to their masochistic roles? Judged! Men supporting their wives because their points just might be valid? Judged! People wearing what they like? Judged!
She considers most things she does enjoy as a gift from the Gods. This girl might not be happy with her circumstances - TRADITION doesn't permit her to change those circumstances!

Dear readers - this is the Traditional Cow.

Tradition dictates her life. She never had a boyfriend because tradition! She never toes out of line, because she cannot defy the expectations set for her. She has expectations, but her expectations are always in the back seat. Because Tradition!
Mother-in-law not great? Tradition demands that she be the overlord! Hubby not great? He is traditionally the great Pati Parmeshwar!!
She is traditionally expected to bear and raise children and will very rarely question why is it so. She is subconsciously accepting everything that people tell her, because she has never learnt to trust her own self.
She is probably one of those paintings you see of Indian women, with a kitchen related utensil in the vicinity and a modest dress. With a child attached to her hip and maybe some more clinging to her dress. Perfection!!! The fact that maybe her eyes tell you a different story is left to the painter, and nobody usually gives a damn about that anyway.

This type is one who can get easily jaded and bitter later on in life, and has a higher probability of ending up like type 3 (which will come soon).
And as a traditional, sanskaari , manly man, you wouldn't want that from a cow now would you?

This is the type of cow who will envy the idealistic one. She feels that cow is experiencing bliss because of how ignorant she is. She may or may not regret her choices later in life. She may or may not become equally judgy and irritable like her folks before her. She may or may not propagate the cycle to future generations. Her life is truly in her hands, but her decisions to follow the intestines (ahem) instead of her heart, might very well change the course of her life. (Disney level fate speeches come to mind. I should probably go watch one)

Her in laws might be unsatisfied, because hey, we have a cow, but it isn't adapting quick enough and we want more!
Her parents might be satisfied, because hey! we did nothing wrong! we raised her right! she is dojng whatever it takes to upkeep our TRADITION
Her husband may or may not be happy depending on how much independence he would like in his spouse.

But overall this is a livable situation and most people do make the best of it. Bonus if this attitude manages to permeate over the generations!

Until next moo-


So,in essence,this is a person who's not idealistic and who sees the flaws in her life but does nothing about them because of her need to conform?
I think this portrayal is true to reality. Quite poignant too!
What is the next type?

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