Waking up - 2024

Alright folks, it has been a long time coming .
I know! I haven't been writing at all!! I dont know what comes over me (laziness. laziness and cleaning)

Here I am recovering from a really really bad bout of viral, back at my parents place.
I took the day off from work, because I cannot imagine talking at all.

Anyway, today, let us consider the various ways I'm woken up.

In school I would set my own alarms, and wake up at ungodly hours to get assignments and studying done. 
 I also used to sleep around 9pm , so I dont think those count anyway.

I didn't seem to have a lot of trouble waking up by myself in college either

However, more recently (Covid) , I see myself being completely unmotivated to wake up . Having a partner in crime that is equally lazy on Sundays sweetens the pot. (and Sundays only. I usually grumble on weekdays too, but no siree waking up on time on weekdays is something most adults manage well)

So during Covid my mother would start calling me from the kitchen, and then end up coming to my room and waking me up gently, by reminding how I must be a functioning adult. 
My father would sing about how I was a lazy useless sack that ate their food, and when was I getting married. That generally woke me up.

Now that I have two places I stay at, I must say the stark difference amazes me.
I am usually the first one to wake on weekends at the new place, and this is mostly because I become hungry. Even waking up is a lazy activity with a lot of doom scrolling on reddit and insta. 

Back home my mom doesn't wake me up anymore, and would rather I get some more hours of sleep, and eat whenever I want to. My father (when available), decides to wake me by slowly pulling back the covers from my head and whispering the time.

This is not an ideal way to wake up. I have a fear of demons pulling back my covers and chopping away all visible parts of my skin and eating them. To be woken up from whatever dream I'm having (and I'm having extremely vivid ones these days)  by the dreaded feeling of covers being pulled, and having a face loom over you, and the face stating neutrally "It is 8:45" is not pleasant. It can be forgiven if this wasn't a regular thing, but apparently this sort of wake up call is mandatory for weekends too. I can attest that this wakes me up better than my alarm does. 

Why aren't you waking up on time everyday DragonRider? don't you have adulty things to do?
Why yes, I do have them, but I have lost all motivation. It feels like I'm in purgatory, that nothing really matters in the end. More on that brightening thought later!

Until next time, 


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